S1E9 – Peace Be With You!

Episode 9: Peace Be With Youl

Here are links expanding upon Ken’s and Bill’s remarks in episode nine of the EncounterPoints podcast series entitled “GOT JOY?”. This episode: PEACE

     1. It is indeed of practical importance for us to understand peace in its fullest Catholic context. Here is one article addressing the subject, from Catholic Answers:



  1. Notice these references to peace from the Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order. The order’s structure for its ongoing work on peace and justice has been modified, but the Rule and its principles are enduring. Please use the second link here to find a useful analysis of the Peace Prayer that is attributed to St. Francis, who sought to be an instrument of God in bringing peace to the world; he saw there were many components to this work.




  1. Here is a report on “Shalom TV” as “a new power for peace and evangelization” …worth considering this role for a communications medium:



  1. “If you want peace, work for justice.” How does justice interact with the pursuit of peace? Is justice the removal of obstacles to that pursuit? The Catholic tradition of pursuing peace and justice is discussed at the USCCB site through a series of links found here:



  1. From Loyola Press comes a discussion of Jesus’ phrase that He is leaving “my peace” with His apostles. It must be a special, multi-dimensional kind of peace inseparable from mercy and justice and love:



  1. See in this link to Matthew’s Gospel that Jesus calls “blessed” those who are making peace; it is not something that comes about through easy or shallow efforts.



  1. Paul told the Philippians the peace of God surpasses all understanding:



  1. Thucydides wrote that the way for a victor to make sustainable peace is to waive punishment and to show a mercy that creates new bonds.



  1. The Encyclopedia Britannica website provides some context for the term, “scorched earthy policy.”



10. Peace cannot be manipulative. Ken and Bill made this point about beauty and humor and other sources of joy as a modus operandi of the New Evangelization. See earlier episodes of this “EncounterPoints” series on joy. We look forward to sharing more EncounterPoints podcasts with you in the future!

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