S1E3 – We Can Handle the Truth!


Episode 3: “We Can Handle the Truth!”
  1. What is truth? Pilate asked this question, and people still ask it today.



  1. Truth is called one of the transcendentals along with beauty and goodness. The Magis Center and Rev. Robert Spitzer S.J. provide an explanation.



  1. Aquinas wrote about reason among angels and humans. He wrote extensively about angels.



  1. The Church encourages the use of human reason. It was used in Scriptures.



  1. Pope John Paul II wrote about the splendor of truth in Veritatis Splendor:



  1. We encounter the way, the truth and the life in Jesus. The Word of God was made flesh. The Spirit of Truth guides us as He did on the Road to Emmaus.



  1. We desire to experience truth and joy at ever-higher levels. Chesterton saw truth as a living thing: “a fact that can talk, a fact that can explain itself.”

https://www.chesterton.org/quotations-of-g-k-chesterton/#Morality and Truth


  1. The Catechism shows the interconnectedness of truth. Reason can help us discover the truth, but we must combine it with love through faith.



  1. Dominic’s Order of Preachers has “Veritas” as its motto and is dedicated to the truth.



  1. Dominicans are called Hounds of the Lord; Ken referred to God’s Dogs.



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S1E2 – A Laugh A Minute, Guaranteed*


Episode 2: “A Laugh A Minute, Guaranteed*”
  1.  Ken and Bill start out being a bit random and ribald in their expressions of theology and humor. We know well (from John 3:16) that God sent exactly the Christ we needed, showing unlimited—and undeserved—mercy.



  1.  Ken’s study in the area of humor and cognitive dissonance promotes a hopeful perspective. Steve Allen’s How to Be Funny may encourage you.



  1.  The word “humus,” describing the organic matter of the earth’s soil, is a common root for words including human, humility and humor.



  1.  Did Jesus have a sense of humor? See Matthew Chapter 15 for the dialogue Ken refers to. See Discovering Humor in the Bible for one scholar’s views.



  1.  Discovering Humor in the Bible by Howard R. Macy offers comments cited by Ken in his reference to Jesus’ dialogue with the Canaanite woman.



  1.  Chesterton speculated that Jesus experienced mirth born of his relationship of divine love with God the Father.



  1.  Chesterton also said that, if the whole world were suddenly stricken with a sense of humor, it would find itself fulfilling the sermon on the Mount.



  1.  Philosopher Friedrich Schiller said we laugh so our passions will not master us, so we can see reality with neither blind optimism nor a hopeless spirit.



  1.  Humor recognizes life’s tough times and happy times. Hugo Rahner, quoted in a recent book by David Fagerberg, says humor must be rooted in reality.




10. Pieper talks about festivity as a release from the work we do. We work so that we can be at leisure; we need to set aside time for festivity and joy.



11. How can humor be used to draw people into relationship with the Lord? Bishop Sheen and Mother Angelica mixed wisdom, wit and tough love.



  1. Bob Hope was able to bring humor and joy to places of war and suffering, as with his comedy shows in Vietnam. He donated funds for the Our Lady of Hope Chapel in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington.



13.  Why did St. Paul use italics in writing parts of his Epistles? For Ephesus.



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*No guarantee actually implied. If you don’t laugh, perhaps you didn’t get the joke?

S1E1 – Joys R Us


Episode 1: “Joys R Us”
  1. The idea of joy is everywhere in Catholicism, including many Church documents on spreading the faith, such as:

Evangelii Gaudium:  http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20131124_evangelii-gaudium.html

Amoris Laetetia: http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_exhortations/documents/papa-francesco_esortazione-ap_20160319_amoris-laetitia.html

Gaudium et Spes: http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_const_19651207_gaudium-et-spes_en.html


  1. How would you define joy? As mentioned in the podcast, here’s what Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language says:



  1. Rejoice! I say it again, rejoice! From Philippians:



  1. Thomas Aquinas speaks of love springing forth from joy. “They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love” – Sing along with Good News Music Radio:



  1. Thoughts about the four levels of happiness people can pursue in life, as presented at the Healing the Culture evangelization website:



  1. Philosophy professor Peter Kreeft wrote this essay on joy, distinguishing it from happiness and pleasure:



  1. Paragraph 301 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church speaks of the joy that comes from recognizing God as our creator and trusting in Him. This is the first mention of joy in the Catechism:



  1. Bless the Lord! In Chapter 3 of the Book of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego sing a joyful song glorifying the Lord after they have been thrown into a fiery furnace for their faith in the one true God.



  1. Paragraph 523 in the Catechism speaks of John the Baptist recognition of the Savior’s coming. Even before his birth, he leaped for joy in his mother’s womb:



  1. As referenced in this episode, Pope Francis concludes the encyclical “Light of Faith” with a joyful prayer for Mary’s intercession to help us carry our joyful faith out to all the world:



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We’ve Started ‘Casting’ Our Nets

Welcome to EncounterPoints. Our first series of episodes–“Got Joy?”–launches on March 5, right here on this site! Add this address to your podcast app to subscribe: https://www.encounterpoints.com/feed/podcast

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This podcast, with Ken Hallenius (co-host of the syndicated Catholic radio program “Living Stones“) and Bill Schmitt (communications consultant and independent journalist), takes a serious and sprightly look at Pope Francis’s call to pursue authentic “encounters” with people. Tapping into faith and reason, informed minds and joyful hearts, these encounters could make a difference in the world. That’s the point!